Little Words of Mid-Summer Time Noticings

It used to be at this time I would feel sultry.. the hot sun would make me feel funny and I liked to listen to music that was bluesy and jazzy and lovely… and love songs… that would last for lengths of cd’s…. I liked to eat popsicles and go get ice cream… I liked to go camping and shopping.

Lately I’ve been noticing after a less sultry summer and a more active with peaceful times there has been a different feelings. By more active I mean up more hours in the day…. less naps… and more working writing… and more piano playing and more garden work. I used to stay up till nine o clock and things are different this summer. I’ve been sending off poems to the States… an environment book to England and entered some news poems in Los Angelas. I’m working on other writing and studying classes in nature.

Now things are getting sultry again. I feel like going to bed at nine… I feel like taking some naps…. I feel like listening to hours of slow loving music. But something in me says… sleep but not for too long…. something in me says … keep playing with the artistic talents that I have…… nurtured through the years. Keep reading my Treasure Your Talents Book… keep reading and journaling and resting inbetween things.. .with food… and change things around… and keep going….

But it’s the middle of the summer…. I’m a little tired…. it’s a little like time to relax in the warmth….. time to remember what thats like. Hmmmm…… Theses parts of me connect and nurture one another… and they feel good to know that they can work together and I will do each one and that will make me happy sometimes.

Although writing that feels strange… how can two things so different ….. be there at the same time….. can the sultry way of the past really be tired…. for small amounts of time… Can I be sultry and not dream of me being active through other people? Can I still stay up sometimes… can I exercise… can I remember what I’m doing.. I have a hard enough time with that anyways.

Oh I must keep going. and find a sultry hour here or there. An early night here or there. A nap here or there. And relax in the sunshine sometimes. I must because I must… but I do need an audience for some music soon. I could play music for my Toastmasters meeting when I give them the vocabulary work of the day. Even a little bit of my goal to have an audience might keep me going.

As I play with being here still even in the middle of summer and not dreaming I’m somewhere else doing what I really want to do here…. I might need a friend or two to send me a positive thought or a prayer.

Middle summer reflections are nice to spend a sultry ten minutes writing. The fan going… The warmth warming my self in the mid summer heat. It takes me to the place of here….. even if sometimes I can be here… that’s pretty good.

This tree is saying can you really be sultry in the summer you may have to find more time to enjoy the relaxing shades and sunshines and breezes of summer.

About friendofsnowflake

It is my pleasure to welcome you to my Blog! My name is Melanie and my nic-name Snowflake as you may already know. I'm excited to share some of my ideas and writings with you. It's interesting how psychological concepts can make things a little clearer. I have a psychology degree from the University of Waterloo. It is my hope that I can share some knowledge with you. Some of my hobbies include playing piano, guitar, drawing and more recently beading. It also really interesting to recieve comments from the amazing people who read my Blog. I hope if you feel inclined that you will tell me a bit about yourself. I would like to think that some special time spent off the net is also important for you or me. In this time you could sing or dance or just sit with a book. In the mean-time it's nice to have met you because there is some quality time spent on the net. I hope you have had time to look at your favourite song or look up your favourite author. My favorite song is True Colour by Cyndi Lauper and my favourite author is Gretchin Rubin. I feel gratitude that I can write this Blog. I hope you come back and see what new Blog is here over time. In the mean time have a great day and stay you!

Posted on July 22, 2020, in Balance, Emotions, friendship, New Age Psychology, sultry weather, mid-summer relaxations, reflections, women writers, working people, artists, souls. and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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