Nursing the Pains; The Gift of Voices

Part 2

As the New Year comes about many people are making resolutions. Resolutions are like goals to make to set a way of designing something you can do to make yourself a little better. It’s like deciding what race you want to run and what will be there for you at the finish.

Sometimes clairaudience, envisioning the future helps with these goals. What a gift.

To be able to help yourself with the care of this gift.

Put your feet up sometimes.

Gently wash your ears sometimes.

Sit with one of your plants and talk and listen.

Say thank you when the gift works in good ways.

Give yourself something when you help people with your gift.

Having a visions, a day dream or some communication with Heaven or things that can not usually be heard is a gift. People have this gift in different ways. It is unique and unusual. To use a gift like this well healthy foods, sleep and caring for self and others must have been on the path for a long time. To use it a little bit can be important to some who are still coming into balance. God bless and nature greetings. A favourite tree can be written about by using the gift like this.

THE Birch trees

I see them in my mind,

They are so gentle in their proud strength

They give lightness in uplifting ways.

I see them in my mind,

They offer me some elevation

They offer me a branch of happiness to hold onto.

I see them in my mind,

The gentle friendly birches.

The vision I have helps me feel better

and then I can help others better.

About friendofsnowflake

It is my pleasure to welcome you to my Blog! My name is Melanie and my nic-name Snowflake as you may already know. I'm excited to share some of my ideas and writings with you. It's interesting how psychological concepts can make things a little clearer. I have a psychology degree from the University of Waterloo. It is my hope that I can share some knowledge with you. Some of my hobbies include playing piano, guitar, drawing and more recently beading. It also really interesting to recieve comments from the amazing people who read my Blog. I hope if you feel inclined that you will tell me a bit about yourself. I would like to think that some special time spent off the net is also important for you or me. In this time you could sing or dance or just sit with a book. In the mean-time it's nice to have met you because there is some quality time spent on the net. I hope you have had time to look at your favourite song or look up your favourite author. My favorite song is True Colour by Cyndi Lauper and my favourite author is Gretchin Rubin. I feel gratitude that I can write this Blog. I hope you come back and see what new Blog is here over time. In the mean time have a great day and stay you!

Posted on December 31, 2020, in Balance, Emotions, friendship, goal setting, Happiness, Self Esteem and Positivity, mental health, mental illness, New Age Psychology, Out there, poetry and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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